Our mission:

To reduce the number of cats being given away for free and to further reduce the cat overpopulation problem. We strive to fill in gaps by seeking out people in need of help with spay and neuter, as well as offering transportation, when needed.

We help both owned pets and feral/stray cats.

We prioritize underserved and overpopulated areas, specifically the west end of Louisville.

When funding is available, we sponsor the spay/neuter cost for cats in rural areas of Kentucky.

  • Helping Reduce Cat Overpopulation:

    At Spay Anyway, we firmly believe that spaying and neutering is the compass guiding us towards a sustainable future for cats and the communities they inhabit. By preventing unplanned pregnancies, we help alleviate the proliferation of stray and abandoned felines.

    When a cat is spayed or neutered, it becomes less likely to roam, reducing their chances of being injured or encountering other perils such as fights or traffic accidents. It also reduces behavioral issues like spraying.